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PopClip Beta

Anyone is welcome to use the beta release, a preview of the next version of PopClip. The beta release is more likely to contain bugs. Please report any issues you find.

Beta access for Setapp Setapp customers

Setapp users may download these betas, but they will run in trial mode. For long-term testing, selected betas are also published to Setapp. To receive them, enable beta updates option in Setapp settings.

Latest Beta

PopClip Build 4659  beta Jun 17, 2024  Release notes
Requires macOS 10.15.7 or above. Processors: Intel 64-bit, Apple Silicon.
  Zip file, 4.73 Mb

Beta installation: Install in the Applications folder, replacing any existing copy of the PopClip app. PopClip beta will preserve your current settings and extensions.

Beta Version History

Build 4659  Jun 17, 2024

4.73 Mb≥ macOS 10.15.7Intel 64-bitApple Silicon


  • Fixed some situations where PopClip would fail to auto-appear.
  • Pressing ⌘C sometimes had no effect if pressed simultaneously with PopClip appearing. This should be improved now.


  • JavaScript extensions can access localhost and local network addresses (unqualified domains and .local domains) using http: connections. An https: connection is still required to connect to fully qualified domains.
  • JavaScript API additions including util.hmac(), util.getRandomValues() and util.randomUuid(). See Developer Changelog.

Build 4615  May 29, 2024

4.72 Mb≥ macOS 10.15.7Intel 64-bitApple Silicon

This is a release candidate. If no significant issues are found, this will become the next production release. I encourage all beta users to report any bugs or issues encountered.

Build 4612  May 27, 2024

4.72 Mb≥ macOS 10.15.7Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fix extension result display not appearing (regression in Build 4610).

Build 4610  May 24, 2024

4.72 Mb≥ macOS 10.15.7Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Add style option to popclip.showText(). New style large, for displaying text full-screen in large type. (Supports a fix to the failing Large Type extension.)
  • Add crash reporter (enabled by default in betas).
  • Improvements to the JavaScript test harness for extension developers - see Developer Changelog.

Build 4588  May 14, 2024

4.52 Mb≥ macOS 10.15.7Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Restore function of preserve color and related fields in extensions (fixing regesssion in 2024.5.1).

Build 4578  May 6, 2024

4.51 Mb≥ macOS 10.15.7Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fixed: “No such executable in PATH” error when installing Shell Script extensions with fish shell. (Ref: Forum post)

Build 4573  May 2, 2024

4.50 Mb≥ macOS 10.15.7Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fixed: Restored functionality of the Paste and Enter extension, which was not working in recent betas.
  • Fixed: Mac App Store receipt detection failing in some cases when migrating to Standalone edition.
  • Internal: Update Sparkle updater framwework to v2.6.0.
  • Internal: Removed Microsoft App Center module.
  • Developer: JavaScript extensions can now be debugged using the Safari Web Inspector (in Safari’s Develop menu).

Build 4559  Apr 26, 2024

5.11 Mb≥ macOS 10.15.7Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Changed: When selecting text that contains a URL (or text detected as a URL such as, the Search action will now be shown as well as Open Link, unless the isUrl property as defined below is true.
  • Changed: Swapped Open Link and Search in the default action order.
  • Developer: New popclip.input.isUrl property that indicates whether the input text is a just a web URL (either full http/https URL, or a detected URL like, allowing for leading and trailing whitespace.
  • Fixed: Improved detection of Mac App Store receipts.
  • Compatibility: Works with with Halloy (IRC client).

Build 4548  Apr 25, 2024

5.11 Mb≥ macOS 10.15.7Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fixed: Fixed option modifier not working in JavaScript extensions that call openUrl().
  • Removed: URL actions no longer copy the URL when holding option.

Build 4541  Apr 18, 2024

5.11 Mb≥ macOS 10.15.7Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Experimental: JavaScript actions can now share content to macOS system sharing services (e.g. Notes, Messages, Reading List & third party sharing extensions).

Build 4521  Apr 3, 2024

5.11 Mb≥ macOS 10.15.7Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fixed: “Start at login” checkbox on macOS 10.15-12.0.
  • Fixed: Extension requirements keys path, url, email not propagating matched text to Service actions.

Build 4517  Mar 28, 2024

5.11 Mb≥ macOS 10.15.7Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fixed: “Start at login” checkbox not working in some circumstances.

Build 4516  Mar 27, 2024

5.11 Mb≥ macOS 10.15.7Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fix: some extensions appearing as text e.g. “Uppercase”
  • Fix: icon modifiers in config like preserve color not applying

Build 4511  Mar 22, 2024

5.11 Mb≥ macOS 10.15.7Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fixed bug where URLs opened from non-browsers would fail if the default browser has no window in the current Space.

Build 4507  Mar 18, 2024

5.10 Mb≥ macOS 10.15.7Intel 64-bitApple Silicon

Release candidate.


  • Search, Open Link and search extension actions can open in a background tab by holding Shift (⇧), in supported browsers. (Forum)


  • In Safari, fixed issue where new tabs launched from Tab Group windows would open in a different window. (Forum)
  • In Google Chrome, fixed issue where new tabs launched in an Incognito window would open in a regular window.


  • Added user-contributed Ukrainian translation.
  • Updated translations for all other languages.

Build 4491  Mar 13, 2024

5.08 Mb≥ macOS 10.15.7Intel 64-bitApple Silicon


  • Basic support for “Sigma OS” browser.


  • When regex and requirements are both set on an action, the regex now applied to the result of the requirement. (Forum)


  • Now works in Anki. (Forum)
  • Now works when selecting text from the message view in Telegram. (Forum)
  • Now works in sidebar text controls in Omnifocus 4.


  • Fixed monospaced font keyword for icons (after regression in recent beta).


  • Updated versions of the bundled NPM modules.
  • Updated popclip.d.ts file.

Build 4481  Mar 8, 2024

5.08 Mb≥ macOS 10.15.7Intel 64-bitApple Silicon


  • The Open Link action supports the message: URL scheme (for Mail messages).

  • Extensions can now use a new option type secret for storing a string in the macOS Keychain instead of in the PopClip preferences file. This is useful for extensions that save sensitive data such as API keys.


  • This version unifies the storage of prefs, keychain items, and Application Support folder between the Setapp edition and the Standalone/Mac App Store editions, to allow seamless transition between editions. This change will not be visible to the user, but allows a smoother transition for people who switch between editions in future. A migration is performed silently in the background on first launch of this version. Please note that if you install this beta, then go back to a previous version, you may have to re-enter your extension settings.
    • For all editions:
      • Extension secrets (e.g. login tokens & passwords) are now stored in the iCloud keychain instead of the login keychain (although they are not synchronized between machines with iCloud).
    • For Setapp edition only:
      • The preferences domain is now com.pilotmoon.popclip (same as Standalone and Mac App Store versions).
      • The storage location has changed to ~/Library/Application Support/PopClip (same as Standalone and Mac App Store versions).
  • Extension settings are no longer cleared when installing a new version of an unsigned extension.

  • Signed and unsigned extensions now store keychain items in separate keyspaces, so an unsigned extensions cannot access the secrets stored by a signed one, and vice versa.


See Developer Changelog for a more details of more changes for extension developers.

Build 4430  Dec 12, 2023

5.07 Mb≥ macOS 10.15.7Intel 64-bitApple Silicon


  • Add Alternate Search URL option to Search action.
  • Add “AlwaysRespectPositionSetting” hidden preference to override “smart” Above / Below positioning.
  • Add basic support for LibreWolf and Thorium browsers.


  • Fix erroneous behaviour with “Dvorak - QWERTY ⌘” keyboard layout.


  • Update translations for Danish, Polish, Russian and Slovak.


  • The text string format can now be used for all kinds of icons, e.g. “square filled symbol:flame”.
  • Add “strike” modifier for icon strings, which overlays a strike-out effect.
  • Add “flipX”, “flipY”, “moveX [percent of viewport]”, “moveY [percent of viewport]”, “scale [percent]” and “rotate [degrees]” modifiers for icon strings.
  • Emoji text icons now render in color.
  • Config.json files are now parsed with JSON parser instead of YAML.

Build 4276  Oct 4, 2023

5.00 Mb≥ macOS 10.15.7Intel 64-bitApple Silicon


  • Open Link now recognises kmtrigger: URLs.


  • Fixed actions not working in Figma desktop app.
  • Fixed not popping up in the Setapp version of Ulysses.

Build 4246  Sep 21, 2023

5.00 Mb≥ macOS 10.15.7Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fixed: Better pop-up reliability in Evernote (in particular, when Evernote is applying search filters.)

Build 4225  Sep 18, 2023

4.99 Mb≥ macOS 10.15.7Intel 64-bitApple Silicon

Release candidate.

  • Fixed: if extensions with the dynamic entitlement were installed, some other extensions might not work.

Build 4220  Sep 17, 2023

4.99 Mb≥ macOS 10.15.7Intel 64-bitApple Silicon


  • Fixed PopClip bar looking messed up macOS Sonoma in Build 4197.


  • Minimum system version is now macOS Catalina 10.15.7.
  • On About pane, change Twitter button to Forum button.
  • Upgraded Sparkle updater version; reduced app file size.
  • Building with macOS 14.0 SDK.


  • URL actions can now specify an alternate url, invoked with the Option key.
  • The “Unsigned Extension” warning is now only shown for Shell Script actions, AppleScript actions, and JavaScript actions with the network entitlement.

Build 4197  Sep 15, 2023

5.65 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon


  • PopClip now detects links without https:// for all known top-level domains. For example,,


  • Fixes for compatibility and reliability in several more apps including Drafts, Ulysses, PDF Reader and Skim.
  • Fixed Paste and Cut sometimes being missing actions in Chrome and some other apps.
  • Prevent the Setapp and Standalone/MAS editions from running at the same time. (Launching one will automatically quit the other.)


  • Key press actions pressing multiple keys can now add an optional delay between key presses using e.g. wait 50 in the key combos array to wait 50 milliseconds. The automatic 100ms delay has been removed.

Build 4183  Sep 13, 2023

7.27 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon


  • Added: In Arc browser, extensions now get the page URL and title.
  • Added: Basic support for Waterfox browser.
  • Added: In case PopClip is not appearing when selecting text with the pointer, you can now hold the Fn key while performing the selection as a hint to PopClip that it should appear. This will not always work but it will override PopClip’s reluctance in many cases. (This use of the Fn key should only be needed as a “last resort”. Please report any situations where you are having to use it a lot.)


  • Fixed: PopClip frequently not appearing in Notion, Obsidian and VS Code. This has been a problem for a while and several users have contacted me about it. It has taken me a while but I hope it may really be fixed now. Please don’t hesitate to send feedback if you are still having problems. (Or indeed, it you are now not having problems.)
  • Fixed: Cut, Paste and text-replacement actions not appearing in some apps.
  • Fixed: Cut, Paste and text-replacement actions appearing but not working in JetBrains apps.
  • Fixed: When you add an app to the Excluded Apps list and then use PopClip via the keyboard shortcut, PopClip would sometimes put the wrong contents back on the clipboard after grabbing the selection.

Build 4163  Aug 21, 2023

6.61 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fix for Cut and Paste not appearing in VS Code and BBEdit.

Build 4153  Aug 2, 2023

6.61 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fixed a bug in Sublime Text where PopClip would see the text as non-editable.

Build 4151  Jul 15, 2023

6.61 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • New status bar icon to match the new app icon.

Build 4144  Jun 30, 2023

6.61 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Improved support for browsers: Arc, Orion, Tor Browser, Mullvad, DEVONagent Pro.
  • Compatibility with latest PDF Expert (again).
  • Exclude JetBrains apps from PopClip by default (explanation).
  • Add Slovak translations (thank to Tomas Svec).

Build 4129  Jan 26, 2023

6.57 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon


  • Fixed some Iconify icons displaying with incorrect bounding box.

Build 4120  Jan 12, 2023

6.57 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon


  • Fixed bug where some Iconify icons would not load.


  • Turkish strings (thanks Aldorias on crowdin).


  • New app icon.

Build 4093  Dec 16, 2022

3.87 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon


  • In Chrome, now correctly hides “Cut”, “Paste” etc. for read-only selections.
  • Ditto for Firefox, but this must be enabled in Firefox by enabling Firefox Accessibility Service. To do this, set accessibility.force_disabled to -1 in Firefox’s about:config.
  • Added a work-around for Chromium bug that could cause PopClip to not see the newlines in the text selection. This should improve things in Chrome and Electron apps (such as Obsidian).

Build 4063  Dec 2, 2022

3.87 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon

This is a candidate for the next production release of PopClip. Please let me know without delay if you notice any faults while using this version.

Build 4052  Dec 1, 2022

3.86 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon


  • Extensions can pipe the input to shell script extensions via stdin.


  • Fix recent refusal to load some existing shell script extensions.
  • Fix a rare crashing bug.

Build 4046  Nov 30, 2022

3.86 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon


  • Will now load extensions from a .popcliptxt file — a plain text file containing a PopClip extension snippet. (No maximum length.)
  • In Shell Script extensions, the script source can now be specified directly as a string.
  • PopClip now stores its license key in iCloud to avoid having to re-apply the license key when reinstalling on a new machine.


  • Works in Google Docs in Chrome.
  • Workaround for Chrome bug where newlines are missing from the text reported to the Accessibility API.
  • Improve Markdown to RTF conversion quality (in particular, bulleted lists).
  • Fix broken login to Pinboard extension on previous beta.


  • Add additional Danish strings (thanks to Martin on Crowdin).

Build 4008  Nov 23, 2022

3.85 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Extensions and snippets can now access the over 100,000 open source icons provided by Iconify. Specify like iconify:<identifier>, for example: iconify:ion:fish.

Build 3973  Nov 18, 2022

3.89 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fix bug in last build where PopClip would not load some extensions.

Build 3967  Nov 17, 2022

3.87 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fix bug where browser would not open when logging in to extensions.

Build 3963  Nov 16, 2022

3.87 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fix bug in last beta when signing in to extension by authorization flow.
  • New improved format for snippets (see Changelog).

Build 3946  Nov 3, 2022

3.86 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Improved mechanism for authorization flow when signing extensions in to websites (now uses local HTTP server instead of redirecting via
  • Added missing strings in Korean and Japanese (thanks to contributors via Crowdin).
  • Fixed some bugs with handling return values from AppleScript and Shortcuts extension.
  • Improve compatibility with 1Password 8.

Build 3939  Sep 16, 2022

3.86 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fix for compatibility with Xcode 14 and PDF Expert 3.
  • Changes to JavaScript internals for extensions - see Changelog.
  • Missing Italian and Spanish strings added.

Build 3911  May 8, 2022

3.76 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fix actions not appearing when activating PopClip by keyboard shortcut in Google Docs.
  • Increase maximum snippet size to 5000 characters.
  • Internal tweaks and fixes.

Build 3895  May 2, 2022

3.76 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • This build is a candidate for release as the next main PopClip version.

Build 3887  Apr 30, 2022

3.76 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fix crashing on launch on High Sierra.
  • Fix PopClip preferences window not appearing correctly.

Build 3878  Apr 29, 2022

3.76 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fix bug where PopClip might fail to pop up if you have changed the mouse pointer colors in Accessibility prefs.
  • Key Press extensions can now specify multiple sequential keypresses.
  • AppleScript extensions can now use compiles scripts (.scpt files).
  • Improved the error message when unsigned extension has com.pilotmoon. prefix.

Build 3844  Apr 21, 2022

3.74 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Recognises DuckDuckGo browser as a browser for performing search actions.
  • Reinstate the restore pasteboard option for extension when pasting text.
  • Added standalone JavaScript running feature for testing extension code.

Build 3835  Apr 13, 2022

3.73 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Compatibility with PDF Expert 3.
  • Fix crash when selecting certain extension snippet syntax.
  • Fix bug where using the Select All extension could lead to endless spinner. (Actually this time, I think.)
  • More work on expanding future extension capabilities.

Build 3824  Mar 28, 2022

3.72 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fix bug where using the Select All extension could lead to endless spinner.
  • Language updates (thanks to contributiors via Crowdin).
  • Support for new extension capabilities to come.

Build 3805  Nov 17, 2021

3.62 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Increase maximum input text size to 10MB from 50kB.
  • Add window description as “PopClip” when used with VoiceOver.
  • Potential fix for causing Pages to beachball sometimes.

Build 3790  Nov 2, 2021

3.61 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fix bug where extensions whose script file had the executable bit set would refuse to load (info)
  • Remove VS Code from PopClip’s list of “not formatted” apps, to allow Formatting extension to appear (e.g. for editign Markdown).

Build 3781  Oct 28, 2021

3.61 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Release candidate 3.

Build 3767  Oct 27, 2021

3.61 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Release candidate attempt 2. If you notice any bugs or weird behaviour, please let me know.

Build 3732  Oct 25, 2021

3.59 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fixed glitch with keyboard trigger thanks to user bug report. (Saved!)

Build 3720  Oct 24, 2021

3.58 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Release candidate.

Build 3709  Oct 22, 2021

3.57 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • A few tweaks and fixes. Approaching a release soon.

Build 3696  Oct 21, 2021

3.56 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Added a new type of extension for running Shortcuts on macOS 12 (see docs).

Build 3693  Oct 21, 2021

3.56 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Add auto Light/Dark mode option (either same as system, or opposite to system).
  • Add built in keyboard shortcut to make PopClip appear (no more need to use the AppleScript trigger).
  • The keyboard/AppleScript trigger now also works when there is no text selected.
  • Fix bug where PopClip would not appear when triggered in Electron apps.
  • Fix crash that could occur when trying to call a Service extension that doesn’t accept text.

Build 3664  Oct 19, 2021

3.21 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Adds YAML and JSON as supported formats for extension config files, as alternative to plist.
  • Adds an new easy way to write, share and install simple extensions as plain text. (See Changelog for some initial info.)
  • More work on JavaScript extensions, as Monterey looms.

Build 3624  Oct 15, 2021

3.21 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Made the “small” popup size 10% smaller.
  • Actually fix the (original) Paste and Match Style extension 🤦.
  • Further internal work on the new JavaScript extensions.

Build 3550  Oct 1, 2021

3.12 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fix ‘X’ shown when AppleScript extensions try to paste-result.
  • Uses Baidu as default search engine when running in CN (China) locale.

Build 3540  Sep 28, 2021

3.12 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Extension shell scripts can now specify their script interpreter with a hashbang like #!/usr/bin/env perl so as not to avoid hardcoding the executable path. (See beta extensions README for more information.)
  • Restored the Preserve Image Color option for extensions.
  • Internal work developing the JavaScript extensions interface.

Build 3534  Sep 27, 2021

3.12 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fix for a case where PopClip would not appear in Firefox.
  • Fix the “Paste and Match Style” extension not appearing for no selection (long press activation).
  • Add Vietnamese localization. Thanks to Peter who contributed this via Crowdin.

The previous beta (Build 3510) became PopClip v2021.9 on the Mac App Store. The fairly major update has been really well received. Now I am in “mop-up mode” to address a few small things arising from that release.

Build 3519  Sep 24, 2021

3.11 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fix incorrect tooltip text sometimes appearing when hovering over PopClip’s buttons.

Build 3510  Sep 19, 2021

3.15 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fix ‘Open in Safari’ and similar extensions not working.

Build 3482  Sep 17, 2021

3.14 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fix slow loading of PopClip prefs tabs.
  • Internal work on the new extensions.

Build 3468  Sep 15, 2021

3.14 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • This update introduces the new JavaScript-based extensions. I have also released an initial set of extensions to replace some of the PHP extensions which won’t load on macOS Monterey — see blog post.
  • Updated translation of all existing languages, plus Traditional Chinese and Danish. Thanks to user Martin for the Danish translation. (I am now using the CrowdIn localization platform for PopClip — if you would like to contribute a translation in your language, here is the invite link: If your language is not in the list, just send me a message so I can add it.)

Build 3449  Sep 14, 2021

3.06 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fix glitch with the spelling language drop-down lists.

Build 3433  Sep 13, 2021

3.05 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Improvements to multi-language spelling feature.
  • Improvements to AppleScript trigger (works in Emacs).

Build 3425  Sep 11, 2021

3.05 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Works better with Emacs app (Mitsuharu macOS port).
  • Added craftdocs: and x-devonthink-item: URL schemes for Open Link.
  • Fix bug when PopClip would use 100% CPU when selecting huge amounts of text.
  • Removed the Use Address action from the default builtin actions. This functionality is now available as part of the “Email” extension.
  • The beta extensions documentation is up-to-date as of this release.

Build 3373  Sep 4, 2021

3.05 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Experimental feature: PopClip can check spelling in two languages at once. Feedback welcome! (Feedback always welcome:

Build 3360  Sep 3, 2021

3.02 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Option to display the Cut, Copy and Paste actions as icons.
  • The Search action now has a proper settings page for setting the search URL.
  • Refreshed all the built in action icons, based on SF Symbols.
  • Extensions can now receive sanitized HTML and a Markdown conversion of the selection.
  • Continuing internal work on the new extensions format.

Build 3317  Aug 27, 2021

2.87 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Experimental support for a new extension format, based on JavaScript. This paves the way for replacing the PHP extensions which no longer work on Monterey. The new extensions are still a work in progress - I’ll share any news here in these release notes first.
  • Sped up PopClip response by making HTML capturing more efficient. HTML is also now captured from Microsoft Word.
  • The PopClip bar now has squirclish corners, and I tightened the spacing around the text buttons.

Build 3296  Aug 25, 2021

2.86 Mb≥ macOS 10.13.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Add option for the popup to appear below the text.
  • Add experimental “Light Mode” appearance.
  • Minimum system version changed to macOS 10.13.6.

Build 3283  Aug 24, 2021

2.81 Mb≥ macOS 10.15.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Add support for SVG icons in extensions.

Build 3269  Aug 20, 2021

2.76 Mb≥ macOS 10.15.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fix not detecting HTML content in Google Chrome.
  • No longer leaves the search term on the cliboard after using search extensions.
  • Completely rewrote and the internals of the system for loading and executing extensions. There will not be any visible change yet, but this will sustain future development. Most extensions should work exactly as before; if you notice problems with any extensions, please let me know.
  • When selecting web content, PopClip no longer looks inside the HTML for links. Only the links in the visible text will be seen by PopClip. This was a fairly niche feature, and removing it allows for better performance and browser compatibility.
  • Generally snappier response and better behaviour in browsers.
  • (P.S. — I haven’t forgotten the Monterey PHP extensions problem. Now all the above is sorted out, that’s next up!)
  • (P.P.S. — PopClip turned 10 years old last month 😊)

Build 3143  Jul 16, 2021

2.75 Mb≥ macOS 10.12.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • PopClip now behaves nicely when interacting with the new style address bar tabs in Safari 15.
  • Known Issue: PopClip does not work within webpages in Safari Technology Preview Release 127. This is because Safari is not responding properly to Accessibility API calls, and so this is not solvable at my end. I have sent a report via Apple’s bug reporter. The bug affects other things such as the VoiceOver feature.) Fixed in Release 128.
  • Known Issue: PHP-based extensions cannot currently be installed or used on Monterey.

Build 3131  Apr 27, 2021

2.73 Mb≥ macOS 10.12.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fix appearing when double-clicking autocomplete list in IntelliJ IDEA.
  • Fix appearing when setting multi-caret (⌥⇧-click) in IntelliJ IDEA.
  • Update activity data log file much less frequently (fewer disk writes).

Build 3126  Apr 26, 2021

2.73 Mb≥ macOS 10.12.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Improved support for Vivaldi and SideKick browsers.
  • Fix crash when passing boolean options to a shell script extension.

Build 3121  Dec 22, 2020

2.72 Mb≥ macOS 10.12.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Improve compatibility with PDF Expert.
  • Fix a crash seen in crash logs. (I can’t say the precise usage situation that causes it, but it should be fixed all the same.)
  • Fix appearing as “0” in Accessibility prefs. (This affected the Mac App Store edition of PopClip only.)

Build 3114  Dec 7, 2020

2.68 Mb≥ macOS 10.12.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fix graphics glitches in the PopClip menu on macOS Sierra and High Sierra.
  • PopClip can now request Reminders access permission on behalf of extensions. This allows for a new Reminders extension. (Get the new extension here.)
  • A tweak to try and make PopClip work better in Evernote 10. (Not sure if it has made any difference?)

Build 3109  Dec 4, 2020

2.68 Mb≥ macOS 10.12.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • Fix PopClip appearing unwantedly when double-clicking in some browsers (regression introduced in Build 3045).
  • Fix menu position glitch when re-activating PopClip from finder while it is hidden from the menu bar (Big Sur).
  • Fix text colours in dark mode for some users (by forcing NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance to be on).

Build 3095  Nov 18, 2020

2.77 Mb≥ macOS 10.12.6Intel 64-bitApple Silicon
  • PopClip is now a Universal App, for Intel and Apple Silicon 🎉.
  • Fixed PopClip not appearing when selecting italic text in Microsoft Word.
  • Restored pasteboards now have org.nspasteboard.TransientType added, in addition to the existing org.nspasteboard.AutoGeneratedType.

Build 3059  Oct 23, 2020

1.82 Mb≥ macOS 10.12.6Intel 64-bit
  • Improve support for Microsoft Edge browser.
  • Exclude PopClip from Screens app by Edovia.

Build 3050  Oct 16, 2020

1.82 Mb≥ macOS 10.12.6Intel 64-bit
  • Fix crash affecting Simplified Chinese localization when deselecting “Show in menu bar”.

Build 3045  Oct 15, 2020

1.73 Mb≥ macOS 10.12.6Intel 64-bit
  • Fix crash when activating certain extensions (Select All, Formatting, Highlight, Delete, and Paste and Enter).
  • Add compatibility with apps: UltraEdit, SecureCRT.

Build 3030  Nov 1, 2019

1.89 Mb≥ macOS 10.12Intel 64-bit
  • Attempt to fix “auto copy” bug affecting many users, where the select text is getting copied to the clipboard. Please let me know if this has worked for you.
  • Add automatic crash reporting and anonymous usage reporting (to beta builds only).

Build 3022  Oct 29, 2019

1.71 Mb≥ macOS 10.12Intel 64-bit
  • In text editors, avoid incorrect text being pasted when the user presses Command-V immediately after selecting text.
  • Before performing an operation that will temporarily change the pasteboard, PopClip now posts a local NSDistributedNotificationCenter notification named com.pilotmoon.popclip.notification.WillPerformTransientPasteboardOperation.
  • PopClip now supports updating its configuration using a .popclipconfig configuration file. This will allow me to distribute some compatibility tweaks without needing to do a full app update.

Build 3015  Oct 21, 2019

1.84 Mb≥ macOS 10.12Intel 64-bit
  • Fix for a possible hang when asking permission for Automation (as described in blog post).

  • No longer automatically copy the text to the clipboard when using Search or Open Link. (This can now be enabled with the boolean prefs keys CopyOnSearch and CopyOnOpenLink).

Build 3009  Oct 19, 2019

1.94 Mb≥ macOS 10.12Intel 64-bit
  • Roll back some recent changes to PopClip behaviour to avoid interference problems with certain apps (for example graphics and video editors). Please note, this means PopClip may stop working in some apps. Please report any compatibility problems using the inbuilt feedback button (envelope icon, in PopClip prefs “about” tab), which will include useful diagnostic information.

  • Add ClassicBlue hidden pref (boolean) to force blue colour always, independent of macOS setting.

Build 2000  Oct 9, 2019

1.98 Mb≥ macOS 10.12Intel 64-bit
  • Exclude PopClip from appearing in Crossover and VMware Fusion.

Build 1986  Oct 1, 2019

1.86 Mb≥ macOS 10.12.6Intel 64-bit
  • Fix duplicate actions sometimes appearing in the PopClip bar.
  • Fix “Paste” appearing when dragging, but not selecting text.
  • Exclude PopClip from appearing in Parallels Desktop.