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Module-based extensions

In contrast to JavaScript actions that define a single function, module-based extensions let you define the extension itself using JavaScript, programatically generating the extension's actions and options.

A module-based extension is defined by the presence of a module field in the top level of the static config, as follows:

moduleStringThe path to a JavaScript (.js) or TypeScript (.ts) module to load from the package.

The module is always loaded last, after the extension's static config. All properties exported by the module will be merged into the extension's config. The module is loaded by the same mechanism as require() — see module file format.

Modules as snippets

Modules can be specified as snippets using the inverted syntax, by setting module to true in the config header.


The following snippet defines a complete module-based extension:

// #popclip
// name: Module Demo
// after: show-result
// language: javascript
// module: true
module.exports = {
  icon: "square " + String(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)),
  actions: [
      title: "Action 1",
      code: (input) => {
        return "Hi from the action. Your text is: " + input.text;
/// <reference path="/Applications/" />
/* Note: The above line is optional. It will enable autocomplete
   and type-checking in code editors that support TypeScript.
   (Adjust to Setapp path if needed.) */
// #popclip
// name: Module Demo
// after: show-result
// language: typescript
// module: true
const extension: Extension = {
  icon: "square " + String(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)),
  actions: [
      title: "Action 1",
      code: (input) => {
        return "Hi from the action. Your text is: " + input.text;
export default extension;

Observe a few things:

  • The module has generated its own icon, by exporting an icon property. It uses a random number to generate a different icon each time the extension is loaded.
  • The module defines its actions by exporting an actions array. See Module actions.
  • The extension's name and the action's after step, show-result, are specified in the static config (in this case, in the snippet header).

Static properties

Certain properties of the extension can only be defined in the static config, and cannot be overriden by the module. These are identifier, popclipVersion, macosVersion and entitlements.

Module actions

Detailed API reference

A more detailed definition of the action object, action function and population function may be found in the JavaScript API Reference.

A module defines its actions by exporting an actions property, which can be either:

Note that a module always provides all the actions for the extension. You cannot mix regular actions and module actions in the same extension.

Action object

Each action object has the same properties as a regular action, with the addition of the following:

codeFunctionA function to run when the action is invoked. See: Action function.
regexRegExp ObjectYou may export a JavaScript RegExp, and PopClip will use this instead of a string regex.

Action function

The action function is called with the following arguments:

  • input: same object as popclip.input
  • options: same object as popclip.options
  • context: same object as popclip.context
  code: (input, options, context) => {
    // ... do stuff ...
    return someResult;
  code: async (input, options, context) => {
    // ... do stuff ...
    await doSomethingAsync();
    return someResult;

The function may return a string, which will be passed to the after step. Otherwise it should return undefined or null.

The function may optionally be async, and use await.

The function may indicate an error by throwing an exception, as per JavaScript actions.

Population function

Entitlement needed

To use a population function, the dynamic entitlement must be present in the entitlements array in the static config. This cannot be set if the network entitlement is also being used.

The population function is set as the actions property of the module. It dynamically supplies actions every time the PopClip bar appears. The population function is called with the same arguments as the action function, and it returns an array of action objects.

// #popclip dynamic example
// { name: Dynamic Title, entitlements: [dynamic], lang: js, module: true }
exports.actions = (input, options, context) => {
  return [{
    title: `<${input.text.slice(0, 10)}>`,
    code: (input, options, context) => {
      popclip.showText("Hi from Action");
// #popclip dynamic example
// { name: Dynamic Title, entitlements: [dynamic], lang: ts, module: true }
export const actions: Action[] = (input, options, context) => {
  return [{
    title: `<${input.text.slice(0, 10)}>`,
    code: (input, options, context) => {
      popclip.showText("Hi from Action");

The population function has the following limitations:

  • Cannot access the network (XMLHttpRequest is unavailable).
  • Cannot call methods on the popclip global object.
  • Cannot access popclip.context.browserUrl or popclip.context.browserTitle.

Abbreviated forms

The action property

If the module defines only a single action, it may be exported as the action property instead of in an actions array. For example:

// #popclip
// { name: Single Action, lang: js, module: true}
exports.action = {
  code: () => {
    popclip.showText("hi mom!");
// #popclip
// { name: Single Action, lang: ts, module: true}
export const action: Action = {
  code: () => {
    popclip.showText("hi mom!");

Action function shorthand

If the action object has only a code property, it may be exported as a function instead of an object. For example:

// #popclip
// { name: Action Function, lang: js, module: true}
exports.action = () => {
  popclip.showText("hi mom!");
// #popclip
// { name: Action Function, lang: ts, module: true}
export const action: ActionFunction = () => {
  popclip.showText("hi mom!");