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HTML Encode

HTML-encode or decode the selected text.
Demo Animated GIF

HTML Encode

Encode and decode HTML character entties in text.


Encoding (solid filled icon) has two modes, configurable in the options:

  • HTML special characters only: Only the characters <, >, &, " and ' will be encoded (as &lt;, &gt;, &amp;, &quot; and &apos; respectively).

  • All non-ASCII characters: All non "ASCII printable" characters will be encoded. For example the string ⪐⅔õ やあ is encoded as &gsiml;&frac23;&Atilde;&micro; &#12420;&#12354;.

Decoding (outlined icon) simply decodes all HTML entities encountered back to their corresponding characters.


Author: Nick Moore

This extension is implemented using entities (MIT license).

Some info about HTML entities:


19 May 2024

Rewritten using entities module which is built in to PopClip.

16 Oct 2021

  • Restructured code using TypeScript.
  • Added this readme.

24 Sep 2021

  • New implementation in JavaScript for PopClip 2021.9.

14 Aug 2014

  • Add decoding ability.

29 Aug 2013

  • Initial release (implemented in PHP).
Previous Versons